Monday, September 26, 2011

The 10 Principles of Power

I am reading my October 2011 Essence Magazine and I thought I will give you my thoughts on the articles in the magazine.  This is a powerful reminder of what it takes to be a true leader.  Here is the subtitle under the article title - 'What does it take to be a true leader? To start, you must be willing to embrace your strengths, apply these ten essential traits of power players, for a swift climb up the ladder of success'.  The article was written by Lonnae O'Neal Parker.  Here is one of the quotes from Michelle Booth Cole, Executive Director Safe Shores - "Power is about sharing leadership and cultivating others to get things done with a real sense of excellence".  I thought this was a powerful statement.  You as a leader have to be willing to share yor leadership.  How many leaders do you know that are willing to do this?  How many bosses have you worked for that are willing to share?  If you are a leader are you sharing your leadership and cultivating others to get things done with a real sense of excellence?  I will leave you with these questions and share tomorrow the first principle.


As always command your day,


Mary C Hartfield

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