In 2009, we have to become serious about the whole man - Mind, Body & Soul. We have to develop the whole man. We need to keep renewing our mind, we have to care about health & wellness of our body and we have to care about our spiritual self. More important, do you attend a church that cares about the whole man?
Yesterday, at church we kicked off are Health & Wellness Ministry for 2009. We had a medical doctor & nurse come in and gives us information about health issues in the United States. More importantly, he said that you have to be an 'advocate' for your own health. You can't leave it up to the doctors, ask questions about your health. Be an advocate for your health and move. These two points I think were the most important points that I took away. Don't just allow a doctor to say, your blood pressure is high and you just start popping a pill with out asking what is my blood pressure and how do I go about lowering it. You have to 'move', he said we are one of the most sedentary countries in the world. We have to get off that couch and move.
Over the past weeks , we have been given books to read for the leadership team and for the entrepreneurs at church. My Pastors are making sure that we continue to renew our mind. They are caring for more then the soul of a man, but making sure that they care about the 'whole man'.
In 2009, do you have someone besides yourself being an advocate for your 'whole man'?
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